Imagine if you started building your professional portfolio at the age of eight. Vivita helps kids do this. We put untainted young minds at the center of building a future society that will be run by them.
Children are seldom included in design, innovation, and decision-making. Dismissing them as unequipped for worthy contribution is a major misfire by adults. Kids’ creativity is limitless. They have organisational and collaboration skills unencumbered by what is “fit and proper”. They aren’t shackled by norms, structures, heirarchies, or other artificial constructs. All of which are things that grown-ups struggle to unlearn.

As a kid-centric innovation consultancy, we help public and private organisations, corporations, and startups fix real problems and create mindful and inclusive causes, products, and services.

Contact us to learn how we do it and how we can help you.



Vivistop innovation studios offer free learning opportunities for kids to develop important skills through experimentation and real-life projects.
Children can attend our innovation studios for free. They can learn new skills through self-directed experimentation and participation in real-life projects, without the fear of failure. By tackling specific challenges, children gain experience with ideation, prototyping, and pitching, which is how entrepreneurial seeds are planted. This is where their innate creativity gets enhanced.


Imagine if you started building your professional portfolio at the age of eight. Vivita helps kids do this. We put untainted young minds at the center of building a future society that will be run by them.
Children are seldom included in design, innovation, and decision-making. Dismissing them as unequipped for worthy contribution is a major misfire by adults. Kids’ creativity is limitless. They have organisational and collaboration skills unencumbered by what is “fit and proper”. They aren’t shackled by norms, structures, heirarchies, or other artificial constructs. All of which are things that grown-ups struggle to unlearn.

As a kid-centric innovation consultancy, we help public and private organisations, corporations, and startups fix real problems and create mindful and inclusive causes, products, and services.

Contact us to learn how we do it and how we can help you.





P.P.Y studios

Creative learning space for all children
Vivistop are just fab labs for kids. These are environments where children can explore, experiment, and express themselves. Our modern facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art tools like 3D printers and laser cutters, as well as a range of inspiring materials like recycled objects. Best of all, we offer free access to all children, regardless of their economic, social, or regional backgrounds.

Kuidas me töötame noortega?

Vivita teenusedisain on mitmeastmeline ja koostööl põhinev protsess, kus lapsed ja noored on aktiivselt kaasatud toodete ja teenuste arendamisse.Alustame kliendi ideest, mida esmalt tutvustab klient ise noortele, et saada värskeid vaatenurki. Seejärel teeme põhjaliku uurimistöö ja paneme paika esmase plaani.

Loome ja kohandame tööriistu, mis muudavad loovprotsessi noortele lihtsaks ja põnevaks. Kogu protsessi vältel osalevad lapsed töötubades, kus nad jagavad oma mõtteid ja tagasisidet ning aitavad koos meiega lahendusi kujundada.

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